Being Stuck in Fight or Flight

Being Stuck in Fight-or-Flight

Recognizing there is a problem

There are wide-ranging physical, psychological and behavioral symptoms of being stuck in fight-or-flight. Many of them are listed on The Fight or Flight Questionnaire (see below).

Many people clearly see that they are functioning differently after some stressful or traumatic time in their life. They know their symptoms arose from their job, divorce, illness, accident, troubled relationship, etc. 

But, often there is no 'before and after' frame of reference, and most people have no idea they are stuck in fight-or-flight.
  • symptoms can develop weeks, months or even years later, so people don't always associate their symptoms with the stress or traumas that caused them, or 
  • when stress occurs over a long period of time, frequently there is no recognition that performance has gradually suffered, and
  •  when the stress or trauma occurred in early childhood, many grow up never knowing what 'normal' really is. They have no memory of ever functioning differently.
And, many times, even when there is recognition that something is wrong, there is no accurate explanation as to why. Usually we find other things to blame, like age, challenging times or fatigue. We rationalize we're just doing the best we can.


Early on, symptoms can be very subtle. Many people experience varying degrees of emotional or behavioral difficulties, such as reduced focus and concentration, difficulty handling stress, feelings of frustration, irritability, anxiety, depression, and overwhelm, just to name a few. 

They may have trouble thinking clearly or have difficulty with memory or other cognitive functions. They may tend to be more reactive, or overly sensitive or defensive. Everyday tasks like driving, reading or working on their computer can become less comfortable or efficient. Many report difficulty getting a good night's sleep. 

Sadly, over time their perspective can become narrowed, limiting their ability to see the 'big picture' (especially about themselves), limiting what options or opportunities they have available to them.
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