It may surprise you to learn that many of your TBI symptoms
are NOT
due to your trauma.
They are caused by your nervous system’s
response to
your trauma!
Here's what happens
It can now be clinically measured that when a trauma is great enough, you can actually get permanently stuck in a constant state of fight-or-flight.
After you've survived your trauma, this innate survival response is not only no longer needed, but may actually
be causing many of your TBI or concussion symptoms.
Here's what you need to understand
The symptoms of a nervous system chronically stuck in fight or flight are very often the same as
those reported in TBI!
This is not a coincidence, yet it is completely overlooked in most TBI treatment regimens.
• Could it be that many of your post-trauma symptoms have less to do with your trauma itself, and more to do with your nervous system being stuck in fight-or-flight?
• Could it be that you might be spending your time and energy mistakenly treating your symptoms, and not the underlying cause of those symptoms?
The answer to both questions is an emphatic YES!
Here's an example
Here's how Fight or Flight Therapy
changed this person's life.
Case Report
Multiple concussions
18 year old young woman with history of multiple
several sports concussions when younger
and then:
6 yrs ago: auto accident whiplash
4 yrs ago: hit in head with Frisbee and knocked out cold
2 years ago: kicked in head
very symptomatic and struggling ever since, has seen a variety
of doctors and other practitioners with limited success
stressed and overwhelmed by people, situations, even simple conversation feels mentally slower
difficulty concentrating, reading
can only read 5-15 minutes maximum
needs to be all alone and quiet
can't play piano anymore
feels like her "brain is splitting apart"
freezes, gets nervous, shakes
can't get up and talk in classroom anymore
severe pain in hands and wrists
wears hand/wrist supports constantly
neurologists and specialists don't know the cause of
her pain
gets irritable easily
goes into emotional 'funks'
always on guard
people, new situations, driving
driving: avoids being in traffic
very light sensitive
fluorescent lights trigger headaches
severe sleep problems
takes 1½ - 3 hours to fall asleep
wakes 5 times a night
takes 5 – 40 minutes to fall back to sleep
Personal Goals for therapy
1. reduce stress
2. improve concentration
3. reduce pain
4. improve sleep
Initial Fight or Flight Questionnaire Score: 190
Fight or Flight Therapy
3 weeks later
overall: gets happier faster, better mood easier, gets out of
funks faster
physical therapy is responding quicker
therapists noticing a real difference
letting go of stuff easier
less bothered by how others make her feel
drove in traffic and didn't get nervous
sleep: not waking as much and only takes 5-10 min to fall
back asleep
mom says:
happier, brighter, more positive, more effervescent
coping better
"a joy to be around"
final progress evaluation
despite the added stress of her freshman year of college:
overall: a lot happier all the time
can handle non-happy stressful times better
a lot more comfortable in social situations
more relaxed
less irritable
concentration much better
can read for up to 1½ hours
read 3 books last month!
can play the piano for 3 hours!
driving in traffic fine
lights don't bother anymore
no longer wearing hand/wrist supports
can write, tie shoes, comb hair
much less pain, doesn't even think about it
sleep dramatically improved
falls asleep fast
rarely wakes even once
and if so, falls right back to sleep quickly
mother's comment: "like night and day"
Personal Goals for Therapy: results
1. reduce stress: "definitely yes!"
2. improve concentration: "Yes, a lot"
3. reduce pain: "Yeeesssss!"
4. improve sleep: "definitely!"
Fight or Flight Questionnaire Score
Fight or Flight Therapy:
Fight or Flight Therapy:
14 !!!
Update: one year later
"I'm not at all the person (who first came to you for help). After your therapy I have become a more confident, outgoing, comfortable person. I find that I'm much more willing to be myself around new acquaintances and say things rather than let them fester in my head.
"My quality of life
is so much better! I can write again, drive without traffic worrying me, and though I'm not completely pain free I am nowhere near the pain level that I was when I came in to see you.
"With the help of your therapy I've become a happier, brighter, more energetic person! And a year later, I'm still feeling the benefits and telling everyone I can about Fight or Flight Therapy."